Walking in Another's Shoes: Immersive Travel Experiences to Understand Different Cultures

Discover the magic of immersive travel experiences, and see how walking in another's shoes can offer profound insights into different cultures. Learn how to plan your next journey to connect deeply with the essence of the places you visit.

Walking in Another's Shoes: Immersive Travel Experiences to Understand Different Cultures
Photo by Léonard Cotte / Unsplash


Travel has always been more to me than just ticking off a list of destinations. It's about engaging with the heartbeat of a place, understanding its essence through the experiences of those who live there. Immersive travel experiences allow us to walk in another's shoes, offering a unique and invaluable perspective into different cultures and histories.

The Essence of Immersive Travel

Immersive travel goes beyond sightseeing - it’s about living the life of the locals, understanding their customs, traditions, and ways of life. This form of travel allows you to delve deep into the community and partake in their day-to-day activities. It’s the perfect antidote for anyone, like me, who finds joy in unearthing hidden stories and connecting on a deeper level with the places they visit.

A Weekend in Marvão, Portugal

One of my most memorable immersive travel experiences was a weekend spent in Marvão, a hidden gem in Portugal. Nestled atop a steep hill, Marvão is a medieval village that seems right out of a fairytale. Staying in a local homestay, I learned about the village’s rich history from my host who passionately recited tales of ancient battles and traditions handed down through generations. We shared meals cooked from old family recipes and spent evenings in lively conversation.

Living the Rural Life in Kutch, India

Another exceptional experience was spending a week in the rural heart of Kutch in Gujarat, India. Here, I stayed with a local artisan family, who taught me how to create intricate embroidered patterns. This immersive experience was not just about learning a craft but understanding the pride, patience, and artistry behind each piece. It reminded me of a lesson from literature, that to truly know someone, sometimes “you should be prepared to face the challenges and adversities they face,” a sentiment beautifully portrayed in the story, If I Were You by Douglas James.

Immersion in the Scandinavian Way of Life

Travelling through Scandinavia, I stayed with varied hosts across Norway and Sweden. From foraging for berries in the forest to participating in traditional midsummer celebrations, each experience offered me profound insights into the serene, community-oriented Scandinavian way of life. Their respect for nature and well-balanced daily activities left a lasting impression on me.

Tips for Planning Your Immersive Travel

  1. Research and Respect: Before travelling, research extensively about the culture, traditions, and social norms. Respect local customs and be open-minded.
  2. Homestays Over Hotels: Choosing homestays over commercial hotels allows for a more authentic experience. Engaging directly with locals provides a richer understanding of their way of life.
  3. Learn the Language: Even if it's just a few basic words, learning the local language can go a long way in building connections and showing respect.
  4. Partake in Daily Activities: Whether it's cooking, farming, or crafting, participating in routine activities can offer deep insights into the local culture.


Immersive travel is more than just a journey; it's a window into another world. By walking in another's shoes, we develop empathy, understanding, and a deep appreciation for the diversity that shapes our world. So, next time you plan your travel, take the path less trodden and dive deep into the soul of the place you're visiting. It will undoubtedly leave you with unforgettable memories and a renewed perspective on life.